Brink Wiki
Brother Chen
Brother Chen

Full Name

Joseph Chen



Date of Birth


Place of Birth

Guangzhou, PRC


Stephen Chen (deceased)

Date of Arrival


Ark Identification Number

AIN 00,000,852

Immigration Sponsor

ArkCorp Construction

Water Ration

Special Dispensation

Chen was one of the original engineers of the Ark. He is seen by many as an honest, uncomplicated man of the people, and enjoys strong support among the refugee Guests. Forced to operate underground by what he sees as Security oppression, Chen leads the Resistance against the status quo where the thirsty many work to support the privileged few.

Brother Chen is the leader of the Resistance, an organization oppositional to that of the Security Forces. Chen generally takes care of all Resistance mission briefings, and is probably involved in the planning of the objectives.

Born in the People's Republic of China, he seems to have started his career as an industrial worker, a welder to be precise, which would explain his empathy for the general populace of the Ark.
